Conscious Community Development Principles

NDCC Works Collaboratively With Partners To Confront The Spiritual, Cultural And Economic Disconnect That Exists In Black Communities Regarding Wealth Building, Leadership Capacity Building And Elevating Collective Ownership.


Seven Steps Conscious Community Development


  1. When promoting redevelopment in communities of color and/or on behalf of communities of color, work openly and fairly with those communities to develop action plans for increasing collective asset wealth and equity ownership.
  2. Develop a defined partnership agreement that specifically outlines the equity participation, role(s) and responsibilities of community stakeholders in designated community project and/or program.
  3. Determine at conceptual stage of project and/or program an implementation strategy for workforce development training and hiring of local businesses of color and community residents.
  1. Prohibit localize concentration of multifamily and single family rental housing units in under-invested neighborhoods.
  1. Establish an income diversity plan multi-family and single family rental projects to eliminate high concentration of low income housing units.
  2. Multifamily and/or single family rental housing should be considered a secondary housing option in under-invested neighborhoods where homeownership rate is less than 40%.
  3. Develop mindful and intentional practices to ensure feasibility of transference of asset ownership over time to local community ownership.